Crystal Healing 101

Learn foundational principals of crystal healing.

Crystals heal energetically. There are also basic scientific principals and entire fields of science devoted to studying the properties of crystals.
This course introduces you to the science of crystal healing & the vibrational language of your crystals.

The place that the crystal came from within the earth, as well as it's physical location manifests in it's metaphysical & geophysical properties. The depth within the Earth's surface, the energy & culture of the land all shape the metaphysical properties & geophysical properties of crystals.

Learn a system to be able to pick up any crystal and gain an understanding of it's healing properties. Learn the metaphysical & geophysical properties of all known 300+ gemstones! Journey deep into your own healing process through an activation of each of your chakra centers to Rays of light.

In the center of this space - mastery emerges.
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Listen to a sample healing experience from this course...

What you'll learn.

Crystalline Wisdom
Muladhara Crystal Healing
Svadhisthana Crystal Healing
Manipura Crystal Healing
Anahata Crystal Healing
Vishuddha Crystal Healing
Ajna Crystal Healing
Sahasrara Crystal Healing

Crystalline Wisdom

Crystalline wisdom describes a consciousness that exists in the Crystalline Grid of Light that is the geometric fabric of creation.

It is anchored to Earth through crystals and gemstones that grow within crystalline matrices and vortexes of light and energy. As you open to the crystalline perfection that exists in all of nature and in the very cells within your body and mind, you enter the field of crystalline wisdom; a place of unconditional love, peace and truth.

You can align with Crystalline Wisdom where-ever you are. 
The Crystalline Grid is the outermost auric field of all celestial bodies. There is a crystalline grid that surrounds our Earth, a crystalline grid that surrounds our sun and moon all stars and star clusters and all of the planets in our solar system, there is a crystalline grid that surround our milky way galaxy and all galaxies in our universe. It is a blueprint of light that shapes all matter into form.

Muladhara Crystal Healing

This course leads you through an 8 part series covering the healing properties of all 300 known gemstones. You will learn a system to remember the healing properties of the stones. 

We categorize the gemstones by chakra center and corresponding color. We use the Sanskrit word for each chakra.

We begin with our root chakra, or Muladhara.  Muladhara is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into 'root support'. The Muladhara is the first of the major chakras that resides in the body. It radiates a vibrant ruby red color. This color has the longest wavelength and the slowest vibration of all colors in the physical spectrum. You will learn about all crystals with mineral compositions that result in a color associated with your Muladhara and their corresponding healing properties.

Svadhisthana Crystal Healing

Svadhisthana is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into ’one's own abode’. The root 'svad' also has another meaning, it translates into 'to taste with pleasure', 'to enjoy' or 'take delight'. 

It radiates a radiant orange color. It is this energy that helps you to move in the world. This movement of thoughts, emotions and your physical body fuels your ability to balance, renew and produce anything in your life.

It is rooted in the element of water. It is the source of balance between the feminine and the masculine, spirit and matter, light and darkness and self and other.

You will learn about all crystals with mineral compositions that result in a color associated with your Svadhisthana and their corresponding healing properties.

Manipura Crystal Healing

Manipura is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into 'lustrous gem’. It is rooted in the element of fire. Within the Manipura the element of fire ignites the light of consciousness. The element of fire transforms the passive elements of earth and water and creates a dynamic energy that shapes our lives. Fire moves upward: it feeds off of fuel and creates light, but also destroys all form with it's flames.

It radiates a radiant golden yellow color. It is this energy that helps you to move your will into action, create new behaviors and habits and break old patterns. 
You will learn about all crystals with mineral compositions that result in a color associated with your Manipura and their corresponding healing properties.

Anahata Crystal Healing

Anahata is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into 'unstruck'. When your Anahata is unstruck by life's heartaches, when it is pure and in love with the glory of the holy spirit, it is in it's highest vibration.

The Anahata radiates an emerald green color and is rooted in the element of air. Air is the least dense of all elements. The element of air also pervades all other elements. Think of how when you walk through a forest, the green leaves surround you and you feel like you can breath deeper...

The essence of love in this way is also pervasive, when you are in love you breathe in more of life. Pure love is a clear spinning Anahata, which radiates peace and balance out to all your other chakras and out into your world.

You will learn about all crystals with mineral compositions that result in a color associated with your Anahata and their corresponding healing properties. 

Vishuddha Crystal Healing

The Vishuddha is the fifth chakra, or throat chakra and radiates a deep sky blue color. Vishuddha is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into 'pure'. When your Vishuddha is pure in sound and vibration it is in it's highest form.

The Vishuddha is our center of communication, it a bridge between our hearts and our intellect, and where truth is expressed. It is also the doorway to the spirit world.
Sound and rhythm weave together the fabric of existence. 

Vishuddha is rooted in the element of spirit, also called ether or akasha. The element ether represents a world of vibrations.

You will learn about all crystals with mineral compositions that result in a color associated with your Vishuddha and their corresponding healing properties. 

Ajna Crystal Healing

The Ajna is the sixth chakra, the third eye chakra
and radiates a spectrum of blues, violets and purples.
Ajna is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into
'to perceive, to command'.

To command is to creatively visualize and in turn create your reality. When your Ajna is perceiving clearly and commanding reality clearly it is in it's highest form. 

You will learn about all crystals with mineral compositions that result in a color associated with your Ajna and their corresponding healing properties. 

Sahasrara Crystal Healing

Your Sahasrara is your seventh chakra, your crown chakra.

Sahasrara is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into ‘thousandfold’. It is called ‘the void’ and the pure dwelling place. It is known as the home of the luminous soul, ‘chitta’ in Sanskrit.

Chitta is the unconscious mind, the presence of consciousness & the essence of being. Your Sahasrara is located on the top of the head, and governs all cerebral functioning. It radiates a golden violet white light.

You will learn about all crystals with mineral compositions that result in a color associated with your Sahasrara and their corresponding healing properties. 

Follow our process & feel supported.

Weekly Schedule
&  Healing Toolbox

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  • Video Masterclasses
  • Stream or download hypnotic, meditative energy healing experiences
  • Course E-Textbook: Chakra Healing for Transcendent Health
  • PDF Workbooks
  • Lifetime Access to Course Portal. The portals are a healing toolbox full of resources to support your personal and professional practice.

Group Coaching, Discussion Groups & Healing Library

  • Full access to Indigo Ascension Library; Stream 35+ and growing on-demand hypnotic, meditative energy healing MPs to supplement the healing you do in the course.
  • Monthly Virtual Group Coaching; Attend live or watch recordings.
  • Private discussion groups to process the healing experiences. Receive practical guidance from the instructor of the course. 

Earn Credit towards Certification

When you enroll in a course, you are automatically entered into our Indigo Pathway program. We track what you complete and manage your credits within a Student Account Portal.

This course is a foundational course in all of our certification programs. If you decide to enroll in a certification program, you can apply credits earned to your program. This allows you to work towards certification one course at a time!

In the words of our students...

We welcome students from all over the world into our thriving international community!
Our current student body includes 68 women and men across the U.S.A., Canada, the U.K. & Australia.

Read All Student Experiences >
‘What emerged for me was to focus on my client's healing and less in the healing modalities I've
acquired & learned. 

Yes, they are great to have in my toolbox, but they are only tools. The focus should be primarily on analyzing the spiritual & physical anatomy & components of their issues and problems, conducting research & selecting the best choice from my list of solutions & methods.

This helped me reframe my thoughts about how to approach a healing process in a more realized and scientific way, yet in-tune to my Soul's purpose and mission.'

- Daisy M.

Integrative Hypnosis Certification Program
'The angel therapy portal... and the past life regression were my favorite. I enjoyed the meditations and the visualizations that followed it.

The reading has been great for the whole course. I like how for the Interior Castle there are the book talks that go along with it.

I took the Lemuria masterclass and I really enjoyed how their was a bit of a documentary in there!'

- Sarah W.
Integrative Energy Healing Certification Program

'With all the intense solar energy flowing through our 3D realities this week and weekend, it was hard not to feel slightly derailed. Alot surfaced this week bringing feelings of limitations and lack. Remaining present was key in riding several waves that tried to capsize me over the last few days.

The Golden Orb of light was essential for me as well this week, the ability to feel the divine light in this physical vessel truly helps in transcending some of these limiting beliefs that kept appearing before me.

I was able to see and understand that I am not my situation, but the experiencer of it, therefore I am fully capable of healing these feelings of lack through my inner reflection. Although I can't control all things physically, I have full control of my reactions to any limitations or setbacks.'

- Gina O.
Integrative Energy Healing Certification Program

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Aimee Rebekah Shea

I am a Holistic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, USUI Reiki Master, meditation artist & educator. Over the past 18 years my professional practice of energy healing, hypnosis, spiritual healing & meditation has changed my life. 

I founded and am the current executive director of Indigo International - the nonprofit that operates Pleiadian Institute. I founded and am the current executive director of Indigo International - the nonprofit that operates Pleiadian Institute. I love the healing process. I also love California, hiking, rollerblading, cooking, birds, cats and spending time with my family and my crystals at home.
A Letter From Your Instructor...

Crystals speak a vibrational language. They direct, activate and sooth our energy fields, physical bodies and minds.

I was called to start using crystals professionally in my healing practice in 2008. At that time I could not sense the subtle energy fields of the crystals.

I went through a formal training, which only taught me to study the healing properties of the crystals. I deeply resonated with recordkeeper crystals and felt a calling deep within my soul to channel the wisdom that was vibrationally coded into the crystals by our ancestors. I started to pray for guidance about how to do this.

I was led to my work with the crystalline grid, which I introduce in this course and our vibrational connection to this grid. What I know today is that our crystals are communicating with us at all times.

We only need to learn to speak their language. This is a vibrational language and we learn it by practicing deep presence with them. In this course we practice this presence through deeply understanding the healing properties of our crystals and by moving deep into meditation with them.

I am with you in Spirit!

Aimee Rebekah Shea
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