DNA Activation 101
A program you can repeat & an energy healing toolbox...
Your breath carries the light and your attention is the driver. This course leads you through a process to prepare for the full activation of your DNA.
This happens simultaneously as you prepare for the full activation of your lightbody & Merkaba field. You will expand your awareness of your subtle energy field. This experience will take place as you gain a comprehensive understanding of the DNA Activation & Attunement process, epigenetics and the potential of DNA for healing.
In this course you clear low vibrational energy from your field & simultaneously move through multiple activations to rays of light.
Listen to a sample healing experience from this course...
What you'll learn.
Consciousness of Gaia
You begin this course with a process to cleanse and strengthen your energy field.
You have invisible support system surrounding you at all times. The more time that you spend cultivating a relationship with the light within you and surrounding you at all times, the more you will feel supported by the light in your experience on Earth.
Gaia is the living consciousness of the earth, the soul of our planet. Gaia is aware of herself and her purpose, she is an integral part of the experience of life on earth.
Gaia is the living consciousness of the earth, the soul of our planet. Gaia is aware of herself and her purpose, she is an integral part of the experience of life on earth.
The Crystalline Grid is a term used to describe the electromagnetic field of Mother Earth. Think of it as the auric field of Gaia. As you move into unity with the crystalline grid and consciousness of Gaia your soul is supported fully in it’s expansion.

DNA Activations and Attunements

Inner Child Healing
The Inner Child Healing Journey is a hypnotic energy healing experience that leads you with sound and intentional words, to help you move into even greater alignment with your highest self.
Within the full healing experience is an Age Regression and a Cord Cutting. The Age Regression is a hypnotic experience in which you are led back into three memories from your childhood. You are then led through a Cord Cutting healing experience within a sacred chamber of light.
This healing journey helps to release all vibrations not serving the ascension of your highest self. This journey also brings into your awareness the highest qualities of the essence of love and light at the center of your being. It helps you to reconnect to your truth and to cleanse your energy field so that this energy flows more freely through you.

Muladhara, Svadhisthana and Manipura Activations and Attunements
Muladhara is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into 'root support'. The Muladhara is the first of the major chakras that resides in the body. When your Muladhara is activated, you are empowered to think and act in ways that manifest in your needs being met.
Svadhisthana is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into ’one's own abode’ the root 'svad' also has another meaning, it translates into 'to taste with pleasure', 'to enjoy' or 'take delight'. In Western culture, the Svadhisthana is known as the second chakra, or sacral chakra.
Manipura is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into 'lustrous gem’. It is rooted in the element of fire. In Western culture, the Manipura is known as the third chakra, or solar plexus chakra.

Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression is a tool to bring greater awareness to your life through looking into the physical lives your soul has lived through before, not to satisfy curiosity, but to open yourself up to heal from these past experiences.
In simple terms, a Past Life Regression is an experience in which you can allow your conscious mind to relax enough so that your souls’s memories - which lie in your subconscious mind – are reawakened and remembered.
The goal of working with your past lives is always to bring healing to a current life circumstance. Realizing that your problems have much deeper roots - beyond this lifetime – is the key to healing yourself on a much deeper level.

Akashic Records
The Akashic Records teaches us that life is a reflection of the storehouse within our unconscious mind.
The Akashic Records are the unlimited source of all knowing that hold the records of your past, your present and of your probable futures. When you access the Akashic Records you download knowledge to integrate that allows you to absorb and radiate more light, to live in a more harmony and to deepen your alignment with your life purpose. You may access your Akashic Records whenever you feel stuck or are in need of assistance.

What's included?
5 Video Masterclasses
3 In Person Virtual Activations & Attunements
25 + Hypnotic, Meditative Energy Healing Experiences
Course E-Textbook: Chakra Healing for Transcendent Health
Lifetime Access to Course Portal
Group Coaching & Multidimensional Healing Library (value $468 annually)
- 50 + hypnotic, meditative energy healing experiences to supplement the healing you do in the course.
- Monthly Group Coaching
Earn Credit towards Certification
When you enroll in a course, you are automatically entered into our Indigo Pathway program. We track what you complete and manage your credits within a Student Account Portal. When you are ready to enroll in a certification program, apply credits earned to your program. This allows you to work towards certification one course at a time!