Energy Healing 101

A program you can repeat & an energy healing toolbox...

A deep cleanse for your energy field.

This course provides you with a comprehensive exploration of your subtle energy field AND our evidence-based deep energy detoxification program that you can return to over and over again.

Travel through 8 weeks of daily deeply transformative healing hypnotic, meditative, energy healing experiences that you can return to over and over again to cleanse & purify your energy field.

In this course you clear low vibrational energy from your field & simultaneously move through multiple activations to rays of light.

100% Online

Stream Audio & Video.

Read & Participate in Discussions.

Energy Healing, Chakra Healing, Hypnosis & Meditation

Follow our process & feel supported.

Weekly Schedule
&  Healing Toolbox

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  • Video Masterclasses
  • Stream or download hypnotic, meditative energy healing experiences
  • PDF Workbooks
  • Lifetime Access to Course Portal. The portals are a healing toolbox full of resources to support your personal and professional practice.

Group Coaching, Discussion Groups & Healing Library

  • Full access to Indigo Ascension Library; Stream 35+ and growing on-demand hypnotic, meditative energy healing MPs to supplement the healing you do in the course.
  • Monthly Virtual Group Coaching; Attend live or watch recordings.
  • Private discussion groups to process the healing experiences. Receive practical guidance from the instructor of the course. 

Earn Credit towards Certification

When you enroll in a course, you are automatically entered into our Indigo Pathway program. We track what you complete and manage your credits within a Student Account Portal.

This course is a foundational course in all of our certification programs. If you decide to enroll in a certification program, you can apply credits earned to your program. This allows you to work towards certification one course at a time!

In the words of our students...

We welcome students from all over the world into our thriving international community!
Our current student body includes 68 women and men across the U.S.A., Canada, the U.K. & Australia.

Read All Student Experiences >
‘What emerged for me was to focus on my client's healing and less in the healing modalities I've
acquired & learned. 

Yes, they are great to have in my toolbox, but they are only tools. The focus should be primarily on analyzing the spiritual & physical anatomy & components of their issues and problems, conducting research & selecting the best choice from my list of solutions & methods.

This helped me reframe my thoughts about how to approach a healing process in a more realized and scientific way, yet in-tune to my Soul's purpose and mission.'

- Daisy M.

Integrative Hypnosis Certification Program
'The angel therapy portal... and the past life regression were my favorite. I enjoyed the meditations and the visualizations that followed it.

The reading has been great for the whole course. I like how for the Interior Castle there are the book talks that go along with it.

I took the Lemuria masterclass and I really enjoyed how their was a bit of a documentary in there!'

- Sarah W.
Integrative Energy Healing Certification Program

'With all the intense solar energy flowing through our 3D realities this week and weekend, it was hard not to feel slightly derailed. Alot surfaced this week bringing feelings of limitations and lack. Remaining present was key in riding several waves that tried to capsize me over the last few days.

The Golden Orb of light was essential for me as well this week, the ability to feel the divine light in this physical vessel truly helps in transcending some of these limiting beliefs that kept appearing before me.

I was able to see and understand that I am not my situation, but the experiencer of it, therefore I am fully capable of healing these feelings of lack through my inner reflection. Although I can't control all things physically, I have full control of my reactions to any limitations or setbacks.'

- Gina O.
Integrative Energy Healing Certification Program

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Aimee Rebekah Shea

I am a Holistic Therapist, Hypnotherapist, USUI Reiki Master, meditation artist & educator. Over the past 18 years my professional practice of energy healing, hypnosis, spiritual healing & meditation has changed my life. 

I founded and am the current executive director of Indigo International - the nonprofit that operates Pleiadian Institute. I love the healing process and figuring out the best way to deliver that healing to people who need it the most.

Read Aimee's Full Biography
A Letter From Your Instructor...

This course is a toolbox that has everything you need in it for an energy healing detox.

You begin with a comprehensive preparation process that will help you energetically clear your mind, body and energy field and create a sacred space to do your work within. 

This course is a synergy of my professional training in energy healing and my background and passion for academic research. You will learn how esoteric seeming healing experiences can be delivered within an evidence-based framework.

The process that you learn in this course is one that I have led my clients and students training as certified energy healing professionals. It is intensive, and it meets you where you are at. The structure of the course provides you with daily healing experiences - like a workout - designed to be repeated multiple times for optimal results.

It is my true intention that this course gives you a process to help begin, structure and strengthen your own healing practice. It has been designed to provide you with tools that you will use for years to come!

I am with you in Spirit!

Aimee Rebekah Shea
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