Integrative Hypnosis Program
This evidence-based program provides the structure to heal, learn research & train in hypnosis & energy healing preventative treatment.
This unique 5-year certification program provides you with a path and training to weave together 9 foundational modalities:
- DNA Activation & Attunement
- USUI Reiki Master
- Integrative Crystal Therapy
- Integrative Spiritual Therapy
- Integrative Energy Therapy
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Training
- Holistic Hypnosis
- Integrative Hypnosis
- Hypnobirthing
33 Courses, 64 Months
Explore all first year courses:
Health beings in our minds.
In the first year of this transformative program you will:
- Experience hypnotic treatments.
- Explore healing through vibration and light.
- Awaken your crystalline lightbody & chakra centers.
- Fine-tune your ability to work with your subtle energy field.
What this program includes:
Treatment Programs
In this program, you will meet virtually individually & in small in-person groups for 7 tele-health treatment programs:
1. DNA Activation & Attunement Healing Program
2. Chakra Activation & Attunement Healing Program
3. Integrative Crystal Healing Program
4. Integrative Spiritual Healing Program
5. Integrative Energy Healing Program
6. Holistic Hypnosis Healing Program
7. Integrative Hypnosis Healing Program
Energy Attunements
In this program you will move through a series of 26 Attunements. Energy attunements are a standard practice in the training of energy healing modalities. They help you to progressively activate & attune your subtle energy field to a frequency that supports you in healing work.:
- 10 DNA Activations & Attunements
- 12 Chakra Activations & Attunements
- 4 USUI Reiki Attunements
In this program you will receive a total of 9 certificates:
1. DNA Activation & Attunement Certificate
2. DNA Activation & Attunement Master Certificate
3. Integrative Crystal Therapy Certificate
4. Integrative Spiritual Therapy Certificate
5. USUI Reiki I/II Certificate
6. USUI Reiki Master Certificate
7. Integrative Energy Healing Certificate
8. Integrative Hypnosis Certificate
9. Consulting Hypnotist Certificate
1. DNA Activation & Attunement Certificate
2. DNA Activation & Attunement Master Certificate
3. Integrative Crystal Therapy Certificate
4. Integrative Spiritual Therapy Certificate
5. USUI Reiki I/II Certificate
6. USUI Reiki Master Certificate
7. Integrative Energy Healing Certificate
8. Integrative Hypnosis Certificate
9. Consulting Hypnotist Certificate
Coaching & Retreats
Coming together in person creates a container for transformation.
Our retreats are a time for experiential practice and in-person attunements. Our virtual group coaching program supports you in creating and maintaining a high vibrational state of energetic health. Meet in person or watch on-demand.
Our retreats are a time for experiential practice and in-person attunements. Our virtual group coaching program supports you in creating and maintaining a high vibrational state of energetic health. Meet in person or watch on-demand.
Healing Toolbox
The Integrative Hypnosis Therapy Program Portal provides you with a toolbox of 33 courses and the Indigo Ascension Library with 50+ hypnotic meditative energy healing experiences, video training and monthly calendars that support maintaining a daily meditation practice and more!
You have lifetime access.
You have lifetime access.
Healing Altar Kit
Included in this program is a Healing Altar Kit. Learn how to create & use a healing altar.
You are shipped a Healing Altar Kit that includes high vibrational crystals that you intuitively select that have been ethically sourced for healing. You work with your healing altar throughout your program.
You are shipped a Healing Altar Kit that includes high vibrational crystals that you intuitively select that have been ethically sourced for healing. You work with your healing altar throughout your program.
Done-For-You Practice Building Resources
License to Use all Audio, Video, PDF & Marketing Materials
Get ready to use scripts, templates and blueprints to build your business and a license to use all of our audio, video, slideshows, pdfs and forms for your own practice!
You have lifetime access & as a graduate you have license to use all resources in your own professional practice.
You have lifetime access & as a graduate you have license to use all resources in your own professional practice.
Write your awesome label here.
Video Masterclasses
Download all video & share with your community to educate & inspire!
MP3 Audio Healing Experiences
Use all of our energy healing, hypnosis & meditation audios on MP3 to lead your clients and community through a program of healing!
PDF Workbooks
Presentation slides and PDF workbooks provide a comprehensive overview of all important practices. Share these PDF workbooks with your community!
Marketing Materials
Templates & blueprints that you can make your own to communicate about the modalities you are delivering to your clients & community. Work smarter, not harder with a vault of 100+ resources for print, email & social media.
In the words of our students...
‘What emerged for me was to focus on my client's healing and less in the healing modalities I've
acquired & learned.
Yes, they are great to have in my toolbox, but they are only tools. The focus should be primarily on analyzing the spiritual & physical anatomy & components of their issues and problems, conducting research & selecting the best choice from my list of solutions & methods.
This helped me reframe my thoughts about how to approach a healing process in a more realized and scientific way, yet in-tune to my Soul's purpose and mission.'
acquired & learned.
Yes, they are great to have in my toolbox, but they are only tools. The focus should be primarily on analyzing the spiritual & physical anatomy & components of their issues and problems, conducting research & selecting the best choice from my list of solutions & methods.
This helped me reframe my thoughts about how to approach a healing process in a more realized and scientific way, yet in-tune to my Soul's purpose and mission.'
- Daisy M.
Integrative Hypnosis Certification Program
'I agree with Aimee regarding the active meditation. Everyday [I} hear the meditations in the morning [while] I'm preparing to go to work. Also, I [listen to] it in my car in my round trip to work. The books assign[ed] in this course I [found] in audio. For me is [easier] because I'm a full time worker.
The weekends are my days to study and some days in a week. I try to be updated in all my courses because I have the commitment. I really love and enjoy my courses.'
The weekends are my days to study and some days in a week. I try to be updated in all my courses because I have the commitment. I really love and enjoy my courses.'
- Carmen B.
Integrative Hypnosis Certification Program
'With all the intense solar energy flowing through our 3D realities this week and weekend, it was hard not to feel slightly derailed. Alot surfaced this week bringing feelings of limitations and lack. Remaining present was key in riding several waves that tried to capsize me over the last few days.
The Golden Orb of light was essential for me as well this week, the ability to feel the divine light in this physical vessel truly helps in transcending some of these limiting beliefs that kept appearing before me.
I was able to see and understand that I am not my situation, but the experiencer of it, therefore I am fully capable of healing these feelings of lack through my inner reflection. Although I can't control all things physically, I have full control of my reactions to any limitations or setbacks.'
The Golden Orb of light was essential for me as well this week, the ability to feel the divine light in this physical vessel truly helps in transcending some of these limiting beliefs that kept appearing before me.
I was able to see and understand that I am not my situation, but the experiencer of it, therefore I am fully capable of healing these feelings of lack through my inner reflection. Although I can't control all things physically, I have full control of my reactions to any limitations or setbacks.'
- Gina O.
Integrative Energy Healing Certification Program
Your Instructor
Aimee Rebekah Shea, CHT
I am a practicing holistic therapist, hypnotherapist, USUI Reiki Master, meditation artist & educator. Over the past 18 years my professional practice of energy healing, hypnosis, spiritual healing, crystal healing & meditation has changed my life.
I founded and am the current executive director of Indigo International - the nonprofit that operates Pleiadian Institute.
Read Aimee's Full Biography
Read Aimee's Full Biography
A Letter From Your Instructor...
I have been practicing hypnosis professionally since 2007. It has changed my life and the way I understand healing.
Integrating hypnosis with energy healing and spiritual healing in all of it's forms has the potential to create deep, and transformative changes in our mental & physical health. I have witnessed transformation in hundreds of clients that I have worked with. Integrating holistic modalities works, and it meets the needs of the growing complexity of illness and disease that we face as humans.
My purpose is to inspire you to embody the light in your healing practice.
Although hypnosis has been practiced professionally since the late 18th century, I feel deeply that we are on the precipice of it's move into more of a mainstream healing modality! It is an exciting time to be practicing this work!
I am with you in Spirit!
Aimee Rebekah Shea
I am with you in Spirit!
Aimee Rebekah Shea