Intuitive Development 101

Your intuition is a superpower when you are a clear channel.

Spirit is energy.
Your intuition is energy.

The process of refining your spiritual and intuitive gifts involves tuning into and understanding the different fields of energy that we operate within as human beings. 
Develop your intuition through practice and explore the practices that form the foundation for healthy intuitive work.

In this 8 week course learn how to qualitatively define the realms of the unseen world and in depth practices including clearing, protection, whole food healing, grounding, mindful meditation, automatic writing, and working with crystal and plant medicine.  All hypnotic energy healing experiences are recorded at 432 hz., a solfeggio frequency to align you with the heart of Mother Earth.
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Empty space, drag to resize

Listen to a sample healing experience from this course...

What You'll Learn.

Intuitive Mind
Intuitive Detoxification
Intuitive Tools
Perceiving Divinity
Intuitive Medicine
Intuitive Development
Intuitive Clarity

The Intuitive Mind

Your Intuitive Mind is fully activated when you align and commit to expression as your highest self. You were born with a network of cells and meridians that relays energy from the light. This light is the visible energy of God and the visible expression of the Goddess. This energy is present within you at all times. It is a quiet energy and you need to slow down and quiet your minds to hear what it is communicating.  This week you will experience:

- An activation of your intuitive mind.
- A comprehensive exploration of your intuitive genius.
- A process to clearly hear your intuitive guidance.

Intuitive Detoxification

Learn about the core delivery system of Reiki including:

- Reiki II Symbols
- Mawashi Reiki
- Cleansing, Grounding and Protection
- Distance Healings
- Journey to Meet Your Reiki Guide

This week culminates in your Reiki I Attunement, which you will receive in-person (or virtually) with your Reiki Master.

Intuitive Tools

In 2024 all USUI Reiki Attunements will happen during our virtual retreats. The virtual retreats take place over two days, and you will meet in person with your USUI Reiki Master and receive your USUI Reiki Attunements I and II. 

If you purchase this course, it includes attendance at the USUI REIKI Virtual Retreat and lifetime access to the Retreat Portal. There are multiple USUI Reiki Virtual Retreats every year. You can go here to learn more about the retreat.

Percieving Divinity

In the Reiki tradition, you receive an attunement once and are a Reiki practitioner for life. However, in our programs, you can come back to our retreats and receive your Reiki attunements again and again. After each Reiki attunement you will feel deep shifts and a greater and greater ability to be a conduit for the light of Reiki with each attunement. 

Reiki began before the advent of modern technology. It began before we had electromagnetic frequencies entering our fields from all directions, it began before we had somewhere between 5,000 and 8,000 satellites (as of 2022) orbiting Earth. We all need more support now to be in a pure state than ever before.  

Once you receive your first Reiki I/II/III & Master attunements with us, you can return to receive attunements again as often as you feel that you need to be recharged as you progress through your personal and/or professional work in Reiki.

Intuitive Medicine

In the Reiki tradition, you receive an attunement once and are a Reiki practitioner for life. However, in our programs, you can come back to our retreats and receive your Reiki attunements again and again. After each Reiki attunement you will feel deep shifts and a greater and greater ability to be a conduit for the light of Reiki with each attunement. 

Reiki began before the advent of modern technology. It began before we had electromagnetic frequencies entering our fields from all directions, it began before we had somewhere between 5,000 and 8,000 satellites (as of 2022) orbiting Earth. We all need more support now to be in a pure state than ever before.  

Once you receive your first Reiki I/II/III & Master attunements with us, you can return to receive attunements again as often as you feel that you need to be recharged as you progress through your personal and/or professional work in Reiki.

Intuitive Development

Write your awesome label here.

This course leads you through 9 masterclasses & deep meditative healing experiences to form a foundation for healthy spiritual relationships and intuitive work.


Learn how to qualitatively define the realms of the unseen world and in depth intuitive practices in a 5-part masterclass series. A unique combination of in depth masterclasses present you with a model to understand how your intuition works, how to gain intuitive clarity, work with your intuitive genius and the spiritual elements of the Earth to ground & protect you.. 


Travel through 8 deeply transformative healing hypnotic, meditative, energy healing experiences!

Return to an easy to follow program of daily meditative, hypnotic energy healing experiences over and over again to strengthen your intuitive mind!

Experience custom intuitive musical experiences recorded at 432 hz. guide you to deepen your connection with your healing gemstones.

This course is designed to be a toolbox that you can return to over and over again on your healing journey.


In this course you learn an in depth method for working with your intuitive mind to activate a higher lifeforce and experience increased physical, mental & emotional vitality.

Upon completion of this course you can apply tuition & academic credit towards any of our integrative therapy programs & train as a practitioner.

What's included?

  • Video Masterclasses
  • Hypnotic, meditative energy healing experiences
  • Course E-Textbook: Chakra Healing for Transcendent Health
  • Lifetime Access to Course Portal

Group Coaching & Multidimensional Healing Library (value $468 annually)

  • 35+ hypnotic, meditative energy healing experiences to supplement the healing you do in the course.
  • Monthly Group Coaching

Earn Credit towards Certification

When you enroll in a course, you are automatically entered into our Indigo Pathway program. We track what you complete and manage your credits within a Student Account Portal. When you are ready to enroll in a certification program, apply credits earned to your program. This allows you to work towards certification one course at a time!
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